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double play

The act of taking a piss and a shit in one visit to the facilities

I’ll be back in a few minutes. I have to go to the bathroom for a double play.

by Hannibal Cannabis October 16, 2021

Hoth cold

How a Star Wars fan would describe bitter cold weather. Compares winter weather with conditions on the ice planet Hoth.

It’s not just cold. It’s Hoth cold! Your tauntaun will freeze!

by Hannibal Cannabis March 1, 2019

sarge out

To reprimand or berate harshly, either with or without copious amounts of profanity, in the style of a drill sergeant. To ream out.

I watched my boss sarge out a coworker after he was caught napping on the toilet on company time.

by Hannibal Cannabis September 29, 2023

yo mammy

A reply when questioned by the police

Cop: Sir I gotta get your name.

Perp: Yo mammy.

Cop: My what?
Perp: Yo mammy. Yo mammy boy!

by Hannibal Cannabis February 5, 2019

10👍 1👎


One who is extremely pessimistic, and has an annoying habit of always saying bad things are going to happen any chance they get. A pessimistic pest.

My brother is constantly going on about anything and everything that can possibly go wrong. He is such a pestimist.

by Hannibal Cannabis May 25, 2019


Those little pieces of wood that attempts to pass as a spoon. Most commonly furnished with malts and ice cream cups sold at stadiums and cafeterias.

The woon is about as useless as a spork.

by Hannibal Cannabis February 19, 2019

4👍 4👎

Great Mistakes

Nickname for the Navy's Recruit Training Command (boot camp) in Great Lakes, IL. So named for the regret felt by some recruits wondering just what they got themselves into.

I can't wait to see my wife when I finish up at Great Mistakes.

by Hannibal Cannabis May 10, 2011

44👍 2👎