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Main Line

I live on the Main Line.

I'm not Jewish, I was raised a Christian with strong family values and high morals.


My house has 2 bathrooms and 2 bedrooms, on 1.5 acres - certainly not a "sprawling estate."

We do not own a shore home or vacation home, nor do we own a boat or any other sort of recreational vehicle.

We do not own a BMW, Jaguar, Mercedes, or any other high-class automobile; in fact, all of our cars are American.

I didnt get a car for my 16th birthday - I saved up money and bought one for myself once I turned 18.

I do not wear multiple, layered polo shirts and I certainly don't pop the collar of the one I do wear.

Wawa is the greatest convinience store franchise on planet Earth.

Yes, I have an iPod (which I got for free with a little HARD WORK and DILIGENCE from freeipods.com) because I enjoy listening to a lot of @#$@# music.. is there a problem with that?

I've volunteered at the Salvation Army on Thanksgiving, so I guess I do care about more than myself.

I was educated by one of the best public school systems in the country.

Judging by most of the spelling errors I've seen so far on this site, most of you Main Line haters would have difficulty recognizing the correlation between hard work, a quality education, and the privelege of enjoying the finer things in life such as driving a German automobile and living in such a beautiful and well-respected areas such as the Main Line.

While the Main Line may have its snobs who have had their good fortune handed down to them, it is one of the best examples of what a little more time spent working hard rather than hitting the pipe can do for you.

by Happy to Be Here May 17, 2005

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