Christian-hating hypocrites who think that child molesters, rapists, and murderers should live (anti death penalty) because it's their "rights as a citizen", but think that innocent children should die (abortion) whenever it's inconvenient to the mother or "because it's a the woman's choice on what to do with her body", as they like to say.
*Liberal supporting anti death penalty laws* : Everybody in this country deserves to live!!
*Random person*: Um... aren't you the same person who supports abortion??
*Liberal*: It's the mother's choice on what to do with her body!
*Random person*: Yeah, but the baby in the womb is a living human being who deserves the chance to live.
*Liberal*: That isn't a baby, it's a fetus and it's not living!
*Random person*: Sorry, but scientist have long proven that a fetus begins heart, nerve, and muscle development at ---
*Random person*: Sigh...
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