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Lunk Alarm

A literal air raid siren that will go off at any Planet Fitness if you drop anything, grunt too hard, or "judge" others. Not only is it very annoying, but it also literally goes against the term "judgement-free zone" by judging the body builders that try too hard.

*drops a weight accidentally*
Lunk Alarm: WE ARE AT DEFCON 1 *begins the siren*

by Hardstuck Internet November 12, 2022

50πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


A Noxian child soldier raised by Zed to become a fearsome assassin. Currently wields the Darkin weapon Rhaast, which seeks to attain a body after being sealed into a scythe. His goals are to prove that he is superior to Zed by destroying Rhaast within.

If you find someone who plays League of Legends at a Hot Topic, there's a high chance that they main Kayn.

Kayn can also walk through walls and get inside people, ripping them open upon exit.

by Hardstuck Internet May 28, 2019

8πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


June 1, 2020 raid by 4chan, in which they'll post anti-LGBTQ memes in an attempt to ruse the community. If you don't want a repeat of the raid that happened on Tumblr on July 4th, don't feed the trolls, and ignore giving traffic to these posts.

Anon: Hey, you gonna help with Pridefall tomorrow?
Anon 2: hell yeah, I've got my memes ready for the day.

by Hardstuck Internet May 31, 2020

43πŸ‘ 49πŸ‘Ž


A Draven main and League of Legends streamer, Tyler1 is known for his former toxicity as well as his hella aggro personality as an alpha male. No matter if you're a beta nerd or another alpha male, there's always something to enjoy when he's streaming.

You can find him on twitch.tv/loltyler1

"GET THIS BETA SHIT OFF ME! *screaming*" - Tyler1, ripping a plain white shirt he was wearing.

by Hardstuck Internet October 22, 2018

207πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž


The rank of intelligence that's lower than a Bember. The one who can't even get a single question right.

You have been demoted to Bemb.

by Hardstuck Internet January 2, 2019

32πŸ‘ 19πŸ‘Ž


A word that is a string of letters surrounded by a gap. It has no meaning, allowing for the definition of a word to have one of higher accuracy.

"If you accept the definition of a word is some letters surrounded by a gap, then 'Xnopyt'...

Ҁ” Tom Scott, disintegrating for naming the mighty Xnopyt.

by Hardstuck Internet March 16, 2021

417πŸ‘ 40πŸ‘Ž


A reincarnation of SGI, consisting of most of the 3D Chip designers that worked for the then-juggernaut of the 3D rendering industry. They primarily make Graphics Cards that a console would only have wet dreams about, including the GeForce GTX 10 series, which you'll commonly see on any streamer or professional gamer's hardware specs, even though their more powerful cards are ridiculously expensive.

They also have other graphics cards for more than just gaming, like the Quadro graphics cards, which is used more for working with CAD, CGI, and DCC, or the Titan V, which is practically a supercomputer's wet dream.

When you look at a highly-specced PC, chances are its housing a Nvidia graphics card.

by Hardstuck Internet October 30, 2018

7πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž