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A portmanteau that encompasses all of the wordy descriptions for having diarrhea. Issues arise in the English language when attempting to succinctly state wordy and cumbersome thoughts such as "She was puking and blowing out diarrhea at the same time." It simplifies and brings the idea of liquid feces in line with vomit and other actions that involve unsavory ways the body releases fluids and gases.

Etymology: A portmanteau of dump and barf combined by using the d in dump and arf in barf.

She was puking and darfing at the same time!

Before the race her nerves caused her to darf as a from of pre-race conditioning.

Mrs. Gladtone darfed amidst her speech.

Man, I really want to amplify the word poop! How is that even possible?? Oh, I know! I'll use the word darf!

by Harry Danglers February 12, 2013

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