Source Code

this is no shit

A preface to a statement or story, meaning: What follows is the absolute truth.

"This is no shit," said Bubba, "I killed a 37 point buck last weekend with a bow at 300 yards."

by Harry flashman August 7, 2003

12πŸ‘ 5πŸ‘Ž

ration of shit

Backtalk or verbal tirade.

Zip it, scumweasel...if I want a ration of shit out of you I'll squeeze your head.

by Harry flashman August 3, 2003

18πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


Fabric interwoven with metal wire.

Airman First Class Lawrencio wore silver lame undershorts, prefering it to kevlar for comfort and style.

by Harry flashman August 3, 2003

16πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


U.S. Navy Shore Patrol.

Chief, put your dick back in your pants, the SP is coming.

by Harry flashman July 24, 2003

20πŸ‘ 45πŸ‘Ž

mashed potato sandwich

A euphemism for someone or something that is fucked up.

Leroy's ears burned with humiliation when he read his grade("D-")and the professor's comments("You are as fucked up as a mashed potato sandwich and will not graduate for this university!") on his essay entitled: NASCAR, a metaphor of hope for the 21st century.

by Harry flashman August 20, 2003

9πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž


n. An asshole who also is a constant pain in the ass.

That motormouth bungrhoid is always stirring shit.

by Harry flashman July 3, 2003

1πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž


An unquestioningly loyal female subordinate in the Democratic Party.

Susan McDougal and Monica Lewinsky were apparatchiks, one went down for a crime the other went down.

by Harry flashman July 20, 2003

12πŸ‘ 41πŸ‘Ž