The collateral duty assigned to whoever the commanding officer is most pissed at. Combinded Federal Campaign = United Way Campaign.
Fuck me to tears...second year in a row the Captain put me in charge of the Combined Federal Campaign.
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Afflicted with phallitosis.
Yo, kielbasa breath, brush your teeth after dating or step back a few feet to continue this conversation.
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A real or ficticious condition afflicting a hot-tempered person. Used as an excused for mean-spirited remarks or action.
Watch out for Ken...he's got an ass rash and is gonna be hard to get along with today.
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To gather up one's courage for a daunting task.
Sargeant Bohannon shrieked at Private Entwhistle, "Sack up, you panty-wearing dipstick...bayonet practice may save your lunge, thrust, stick and twist...repeat...
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Having the looks and laxative qualities of prunes.
LaTyscha was a prunish woman whose visage turned stomachs and loosened bowels.
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A country and western shagfest.
Tammy went to Nashville knowing she'd have to twangbang the staff at Horseshoe Records, Inc. in order to have her demo heard.
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A word used in mock earnest to indicate grave misfortune.
I read in the Boston Globe that Senator Kennedy has a prostate the size of a ain't that a pisser!
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