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What happened to Charles Xavier in X-Men 3: The Last Stand, when Jean exploded him.

Did you watch X-Men 3: The Last Stand? Jean Grey destroyed Charles Xavier.

by Hary Gofman April 20, 2024

Eiffel Tower

It's like a spit roast but you hi-five.

I was the middle of an Eiffel Tower last night.

by Hary Gofman June 3, 2023

Peg Matcher

Having been penetrated or having penetrated the same person.

Lauren and Alice are peg matchers because they both slept with Harry.

by Hary Gofman January 10, 2022

Soggy Biscuit

When everyone cums on Lucas. Last to cum eats Lucas.

Lucas is coming around tonight. We should play Soggy Biscuit.

by Hary Gofman April 1, 2024

Roast Chicken

When a beer pong player doesn’t sink a cup, they must sit naked on the beer pong table and the other players biff balls at them.

Sam didn’t sink a cup during the last game so he had to do a roast chicken.

by Hary Gofman January 31, 2022

Roast Chicken

When a beer pong player doesn’t sink a cup, they must sit naked on the beer pong table and the other players biff balls at them.

Sam didn’t sink a cup during the last game so he had to do a roast chicken.

by Hary Gofman January 31, 2022

Spit Roast

It's like an Eiffel Tower but you don't hi-five.

I was the middle of a spit roast last night.

by Hary Gofman June 3, 2023