when an otherwise normal human being gets converted into a furry/realizes they've been a furry all along and only now begun to realize it.
may or may not also be used by furry marketers running furry websites/conventions.
A furry convention organizer counted the amount of listed confursions from their poll.
After hesitating a few minutes as all his friends in fursuits surrounded him, he looked at his secret of nimh, lion king, and disney's robinhood posters in his room, and the rule34 tab listed as 'lola bunny n..', he realized he had been a furry all along, and experienced a confursion and acceptance of how gay and furry he actually was and no longer felt guilty glomping his new found friends.
When you say or do something you didn't mean/intended to do so as follows below:
similar to meaningn't or intendn't.
he meantn't said such harsh words to you dear. I meantn't put my dick in the cookie jar. she meantn't get drunk but it happened.