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A country located between France, Germany and the Netherlands. Originally two parts of both the Netherlands and France, Belgium gained its independence and became a monarchy on the 21st of July 1831 ( now the National Holiday). It is split up into two parts, Wallonia and Flanders. Wallonia is where they speak a dialect of French, while Flanders is where they speak multiple dialects of Dutch. Both parts are in a "war" between cultures, with many saying that Wallonia is the best while Flanders is actually the best part of the whole country. Almost everyone is Belgium speaks 3 (or more) languages (exept for the lazy Wallonians who for some reason mostly don't learn Dutch). The languages are Dutch, French and English, some in Flanders also learn German because its easier to learn when you can speak Dutch. Most belgian beers were brewed in the abbeys (some of which still brew) in Flanders. A lot of festivals are hosted in Belgium (most in Flanders), like Tomorrowland. Although I stated a lot of the best things are in Flanders, Wallonia is equally beautiful. Chocolate, landscape, waffles, a lot of belgian products come from there.

TLDR; Amazing country (not a failed "city") in Europe with beer, chocolate, waffles, festivals, patriotism and beautiful women.

ex: "Belgium is a country not a city, dumbfuck Trump."

by HavokRaven August 10, 2017