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A fish is something that could be caught around the world many places you could catch fish you could also eat those fish if you cook them a lot of people like fishing and there are certain places where you could get big fish some people throw the fish back into the water where it came from once they catch it and some of them eat the fish they catch

Hey that man is eating a fish it looks tasty

by Hay u gayyyy August 20, 2021

N word

It’s a word that a lot of people use like black people / Indian/ and Mexican

Most people think it’s a word that white people can say it and that’s right they would call that racist

This guy is racist he use the word n word

And don’t worry I’m Mexican

by Hay u gayyyy July 1, 2021

1👍 1👎


It’s a fun but dangerous this it is a popular around 4 July and new year

Everyone loves fireworks especially the big ones

Oh that’s cool I saw someone use a firework by my house

by Hay u gayyyy July 1, 2021

1👍 1👎


A hat is something that people use for style sometimes they use hats for the sun or maybe other things most people think hats are for style but they are used for many more

Hey those people are wearing hats

by Hay u gayyyy August 20, 2021