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Habesha are called the people, who live in Ethiopia. Habesha People can be recognized by their big Forehead. They are very kind, confident and loving. They love to dance and sing. The Girls have very beautiful Almond-shaped eyes, great curves, beautiful voluminous curls and beautiful brown Skin. The Guys also look very attractive, but they are not very popular as they are very unromantic. Oh yeah and the people in Eritrea are also called habesha. They are basically Ethiopians too but that’s another story.

„Habesha nesh ende?” ; „We are not black, we are habesha” ; „Ay ye habesha neger”; „Habeshochu eko betam nw emigermut” ; „Habeshoch betam bezu yawralu besmeam”

by Hazel56362 March 30, 2019