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in the stable

The brony equivalent of being in the closet.

A brony that is in the stable has not yet told anyone outside of the internet about their love for My Little Pony, for fear of damaging relationships or alienating people.

John's favourite pony was Rarity, but he couldn't bring himself to put pictures of her on his wall because he was still in the stable.

by Hazzat October 2, 2011

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bad knee day

Similar to a bad hair day, but instead of having nasty looking hair, the victim has nasty looking knees. May result in dryness, stubble from shaving, rashes and/or birthmarks.

Most often used by women.

Wow, look at all that stubble. I'm sure having a bad knee day today!

by Hazzat April 23, 2010

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Like a hangover, but is instead caused by playing too much Halo the night before.

Oh, boy. I really regret playing my Xbox all last night... It gave me the worst Halo-over ever.

by Hazzat December 5, 2009

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