Sell Out Boy is a pop/punk/emo or whatever genre used to generate money from wet twelve year-old girls band from Chicago. They are basically famous for having emo sex appeal with emo lyrics that try to tell stories, but fail miserably. The word "Poise", like in other generic emo bands like Panic! Because Music is Dying, is used in 95% of their songs.
The band was once decent until they disregarded their true fans in favor for scene bastards who don't know what music is, but "olo its cewl".
Typically, their songs and song titles are the most random things that they can think of. Sometimes I wonder if they just throw Scrabble pieces against the wall and add generic shitty pop music to it. As senseless as it is, you need not worry, as the singing is just as garbled as the sound of their ungodly live performances, making it difficult to understand.
Fall Out Boy's ass-tastic lyrics.
Ex- "We're goin' don don (don don), Don don (don don), We're gondondon, a lodedgodcompreckscokitinpulit."
"Drinkdontatgnnkeroseen difidiwefedeee, YEEEEE-EEE-EE!!!"
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