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Sapone Syndrome

A person with a false sense of entitlement. Thinks they are better than they actually are.

Yo this kid has Sapone syndrome

by Hdsasd May 12, 2015

4👍 2👎

White Falcon

Sexiest man on the earth. A straight stud that gets bitches. Unbelievable at baseball and has an unbelievable ass aka cake. Known too vamp (vampin) and receive neck. Also known for his huge muscles and his good looks. A white falcon is a stud and soars thru life.

Yo, you see white falcon hitting, he's mad good.

Dude, I saw white falcon soar into your moms bed the other day.

Nigga, my boy white falcon be coming at your neck, making u feel some type a way.

by Hdsasd July 5, 2014

7👍 2👎