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a word used to describe somebody very voluptuous

person 1: wow look at that girl over there! shes so whoughty!

by HeatherNikkii July 26, 2023


word invented by tiktok user bellathecat16 to describe something scrawny and weird but cute

Your cat is so mipy

by HeatherNikkii March 17, 2022

56👍 3👎


someone who is very homosexual, like extremely, and also very delusional and fucking stupid, byzatic people usually have shitty music taste. they also tend to pull people way out of their league somehow, nobody knows how. byzatic people are also very silly, almost too silly sometimes.

my gf is so damn byzatic

by HeatherNikkii August 3, 2023


Used to describe someone who is so stupid its not even possible and just by existing universes may collide

Your so migroing

by HeatherNikkii March 17, 2022

2👍 1👎


kleem is little thursday boys cum. kleem can be used for anything, it can cure muscle disease causes my gnomes (or in general) regenerate bones, cure cancer, bring people back from the dead, englongate your elbow skin, activate your dennis gland, etcetera.

bro i love kleem

by HeatherNikkii July 26, 2023


calling someone singrand basically means calling them a big fat dumb dumb

that little dude over there is such a singrand

by HeatherNikkii July 26, 2023


I use it as a sign to say i read your message and i dont know how to respond, normally used when what the person said makes me sad or angry

Person 1: i absolutely hate you, you suck

Person 2: :4

by HeatherNikkii May 20, 2022