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* In the heart of the city, a tall and mighty figure stands, His skin like rich mahogany, strong and sure are his hands. Brave in the face of adversity,he never backs down from a fight, With courage as deep as oceans, he shines with inner light.Humble is his nature; despite all that he's achieved Never boasting or bragging; it's kindness that he weaves.Working hard day by day to build a better world for all, He labors not for glory but answers duty's call.Well-mannered and gracious in every word and deed Respectful to all around him - this man takes little heed Of praise or adulation instead seeks only peace And spreads love through actions that will never cease.A towering presence yet gentle at heart so true The embodiment of strength wrapped up in virtue too For those who know him well can attest without doubt That within beats a spirit kind beyond measure throughout.

Java I love you. Java my heart and soul.

by HeavenzAngel June 14, 2024