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Illy is a special species of humankind. Not only will she swiep you of your feet with a wet handtowel like you see in the gym, she will always let you know how she likes to do, or may i say, doesnt do the nasty.

Nobody: “Hey Illy, how was your weekend?”
Illy: “Nobody asks how my weekend was:(“

by Helliebel hihi November 23, 2021


Illy is a very special species of kaolo boef. That means she will always look for the best ways to swiep you of your feet ;)

Illy: “Hey Jet, i would go totally gay for you”
*Jet gets swept of her feet*
Helen: “Kaooooolooooo boeffff!”

by Helliebel hihi November 23, 2021