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1) Somebody from Manchester. England's 6th largest city

2) Somebody who constantly talks about Manchester. They make an effort to tell you that they are (a)a Mancunian and (b)from Manchester, every opportunity they get. These people tend to refrain from "nose blowing".

A typical Mancunian / stranger exchange:
MANCUNIAN: I'm a Mancunian!
STRANGER: What does that word mean?
MANCUNIAN: You know, I'm a Manc, from Manchester (does weird creepy shoulder dance)
STRANGER: So what?
MANCUNIAN: Have you ever been to Manchester, it's amazing, it's the capital of England.
STRANGER: Yes, its wonderful I'm sure, goodbye
MANCUNIAN: So do you want a Big Issue or not?

mancunians don't blow their noses

by Hello Newman September 3, 2006

251👍 243👎


Manchester is a city with a population of 400,00, making it England's 6th largest city.

More famous for Manchester United than anything else. It is a common misnoma in international circles that Manchester is in fact in London.

Often the name Manchester is used to refer to the county in which it is situated, Greater Manchester. This annoys residents of equally independent towns and cities in Greater Manchester, such as Bolton, Wigan and Oldham, who each boast a rich history also.

A resident of Manchester is known as a "Mancunian". They are typified by their strange loyalty to Manchester. Often waylaying people from other cities to tell them all about Manchester. See Terry Christian.

The North's main airport is near Manchester however. Passengers from larger, but equidistant cities, such as Leeds, Liverpool and Sheffield, have bolstered the figures of Manchester Airport to make it one of Europe's largest and busiest.

After London, Birmingham, Leeds, Glasgow, Liverpool and Sheffield, Manchester is Egland's 6th and the UK's 7th largest/most important city.

by Hello Newman August 29, 2006

721👍 539👎