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Conspiracy Theorist

A person with an inconsistent set of beliefs containing a kernel of truth that attempt to explain social order by means of secret and diabolical plans by the “power elite” on a massive global and historical scale. Conspiracy theories are often propagated by individuals who have been rejected by their own intimate social circles or failed to enter their circles of choice. (Family, popularity, jobs etc.) This world view provides a dual escape. First, it explains to conspiracy theorist why they were never able to meet their full potential, albeit in an unhealthy and productive manner (i.e. the system is keeping me down and if I don’t become a recluse they’ll get me!)Secondly, it fills a void to be “in the know” and a part of group that provides a sense of intellectual superiority over their fellow man. Hence, the Achilles heel to these self-proclaimed “scholars” and google “researchers” is to question their education in any way. Unfortunately, this often puts them in a death spiral of ignorance because the only knowledge they will consider to be legitimate are those “sources” that confirm their own destructive bias; further expelling them into the darkness of their own paranoid imaginations.

Conspiracy Theorist: Hey man isn’t the FED evil
Normal guy or girl: Well, I do think the measures they are taking to stimulate the economy through open market operations are unprecedented. I just hope it doesn't have any unintended consequences like the kind of asset inflation we saw in the housing market after they lowered interest rates to pull us out of the dot com bubble.

Conspiracy Theorist: Debt slavery bro, did you know they are thinking of bugging us to make sure we become materialist drones in order to make the Rothschild’s even richer! Why do you think Obama had a closed door meeting with the FED chair? Think about it dude, don’t be a sheep.
Normal guy or girl: Yeah..maybe (walks away)

by Hello World October 6, 2014

169👍 87👎

Cougar Toe

This should be "camel toe".

Goofus: "Check out that cougar toe!"

Gallant: "I think you mean CAMEL TOE."

by Hello World February 24, 2005

22👍 56👎