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The word "Mate" is a word commonly used in Britain, New Zealand and Australia. It is also used by ethnic communities in Britain such as the East Asian community (India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka).

"Mate" is commonly spelled as "M8" in Text Language or LeetSpeak.

The word "Mate" can be used in a variety of ways, from greetings to flip-offs to sarcasm.

A week ago I was cycling home from work and this twat of a driver nearly knocked me off because he was desperately trying to get through the traffic lights. He called me a "Twat" and I shouted "Fuck off mate!" at him. This is just one example.

Here is a list of examples and situations in which "Mate" may be used:

Greeting: "Hello mate!"
Sarcasm: "Mate that was fucking orgasmic"
Endearment: "Mate you're a legend."
Flippancy: "Alright mate keep your hair on"

by Hen2 May 31, 2015

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