I heard this word used in context with shipping livestock over large distances. I think it would be best used to indicate the concept of stowing people or livestock in a small space and then moving them over a large distance. The opposite, defreight, would have similar meaning. I have used both words a lot in the autobiography that I have been working on.
"We had to enfreight our 8 bodies into this tiny car and had driven painfully to our destination"
I saw this word printed in a newspaper article describing the psyche of a hockey coach. His team had just lost an NHL series. The word was used to define the following: soft, dispassionate, non-aggressive, unbold, unwillful, non-determination and lacking strength of character.
"The coach's milquetoast attitude towards the opposition and sticking to his dogged offensive attitudes had been their unravelling."
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I heard this word being used in an NHL hockey game. The commentator had indicated that the participents had taken part in a kafuffle. To me it meant a minor or meaningless tussle or fight of no consequence.
"The kafuffle between Johnson and Smith didn't amount to much; not even minor penalties."
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I invented this word, I think, because I had read somewhere of the word "enfreight". To defreight means to extricate many bodies from a small area after having moved many miles. The idea of living mass as freight can be understood only when 8 to 10 people in a car travel great distances.
"Upon our arrival in Toronto, the defreighting process had not gone smoothly; we had literally slid out of our Chevy"
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