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Anna, sweet, beautiful, kind, desirable, honest, helpful, smart, successful and the only friend you will ever want. Anna is a girl who won’t just guide you through life but will give you one. She will make you smile even if your at the worst in your life. I have an Anna in my life and I am proud, if you don’t have an Anna you are missing out because I don’t know what I would do without her amazing, helpful, and Infinitely kind self.

Person “are you friends with Anna!”

Me “ sure I am!”

Person “ omg I wish I was everyone wants to be friends with her, she is purely amazing!”
Me “ don’t worry I know”
Person “ could you get me and her to be friends”?”
Me “ well you have to go through a bunch of tests... one million to be exact, just to make sure your worthy.”
Person “ oh god”

by Her bestie. Xxxx December 17, 2019

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