Source Code

potion - option

A magical solution

Try the potion - option!

by Hercolena OLiver May 2, 2010

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Rule with all, flexible adaptable rule

Rulewa applies to all that require ruling.

by Hercolena OLiver May 2, 2010

emits emists

Mystified by emitted signals

In the midsts of mists still the emits emists signal emits.

by Hercolena OLiver April 20, 2009

5 4getn

Having passed the stage of forgetfulness

5 4getn has bn and gone.

by Hercolena OLiver May 27, 2010

2πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Means of knowledge transference; knowledge matters; that have been shaped by humans into a meaningful; instructional model where the teacher is the knowledge conduit and the classroom environment is organized to facilitate the teacher as; The Knowledge Conduit #KM. Diffusion is well defined in the literature in a concept known as Codification and Diffusion Theory, or CD Theory (Boisot 1994); platform or "Knowledge Conduit" connects visitors to the resources available; the teacher is the knowledge conduit and the classroom environment is organized to facilitate the teacher as the knowledge conduit; knowledge conduit model involves the synthesis of ideas

Twoway knowledgeconduit can b followed in gentle pursuit.

by Hercolena OLiver July 8, 2010


Being at avail

If I want to spell accessable with two c's and two s's not to mention not I as well that's permissible, cause if microsoft access is right whois to argue and being able has never been being ible, cause that'd be downrioght feeble.

by Hercolena OLiver January 12, 2010

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Skill, phonetically equivalent to school, not attended by I

Hey, I didna eva hav too goe two school to akwire suck vocabruary schill.

by Hercolena OLiver January 12, 2010

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