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Georgetown University in Qatar

A place for bad students who want to get a good degree. It's a school of crackheads who either spend their 4 years depressed with good grades, or high off of Redbull with bad grades. They're not much of party animals but they're animals still. They have beef with Northwestern students but nobody knows why. Also: the Laffer Conspiracy.

Ummm...I guess Georgetown University in Qatar

by Heurheurheurheur March 31, 2022


Mucah (MU-ka), derived from mucus, is a form of mucus that only occurs when you're in the midst of the worst illness possible -- it's not mucus, it's not snot, it's not a runny nose. It's far worse. It's everyone and everything coming out of your nose. It's mucah.

After several minutes of blowing his nose, he removed the tissue filled with mucah.

by Heurheurheurheur December 16, 2024