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Three definitions:

1. Gay can mean happiness

Ex: Person 1: How are you feeling today

Person 2: Im feeling happy today

Person 1: So your feeling gay today? That's good.

2. Gay can be used as a short was of saying "Im part of the LGBTQIA+ community" because that just takes way to long to say.

Ex: Person 1: Are you gay?

Person 2: Yes I am. You?

Person 1: I am too! Im Lesbian!

Person 2: Cool! Im Pansexual.

3. Gay can mean mlm (Men love men)

Ex: Person 1: Im Gay.

Person 2: Im also Gay.

Some rando: Bro did you know that he is gay? He is too!

Person 1: Bro we can hear you. You ain't sneaky.

Now you know that you are gay in 3 different ways. :)

by HeyBro. March 13, 2023


A meme about a yellow roblox character wearing a red shirt who spins around and holding a ball up like he is about to throw it at you.

Person 1: Hey look at this meme
Person 2: ok

"Man it's just a Baller meme." Person two says as he looks up to see their friend has now become Baller

by HeyBro. March 13, 2023