Worst slang term, from the most un-cool, un- "hood", and un-original place in the U.S. .... Massachusetts.
Apparently means to tell off/ make fun of someone, but has been over used to the degree where its as appealing as having a one night stand with Whoppi Goldberg.
Actually, one would prefer to have that one night stand with her after attempting to say the word.
Kid on bus: Yo blah blah blah, so shut da fuk up!
Loser from Brockton*: Oh you rashed! U heard dat???
Guy from Brooklyn: if you don't shut the fuck up, you'll wish you had a rash instead of what I'm gonna do yo ya face.
Guy from Philadelphia: Then I'll smash it in with Bricks
Guy from Compton: You don't even want me to describe the graphic detail of my participation.
Chick from Canada: And then we'll all start to get serious, and proceed beat you down.
*This town was picked because unfortunately, I live here. feel free to mad lib it
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