Source Code


Derogatory slang, mostly found on MMPORPG's (Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Games), referring to troublemaking or anoying players who refuse consideration to the serious players around them.

Also can be spelled with a "00" (double zeros) or "oo" (double O's). Also referred to as "Kewl Dewds".

"(Insert dungeon name) has been taken over by dewds, I don't hunt there anymore."

by HiC January 29, 2004

26πŸ‘ 43πŸ‘Ž

RPG Lite

A special variety of console games marketed as Role Playing games. Contains scripted undeviatable gameplay, tons of fighting, leveling up, buying weapons, and no actual role playing. In otherwords, a 30 minute anime episode stretched into a 40+ hour romp because it makes you fight battles and sit through cutscenes every 10-15 seconds.

Final Fantasy, Dragon Warrior, Xenogears, Wild Arms, Lunar, Kingdom Hearts, Chrono Trigger

by HiC January 24, 2005

35πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž


Anyone who who attends the University of Miami at Florida

The jailbreakers, gangbangers, crack smokers, carjackers, South Beach homosexuals, and posturing tough guy wiggers who can't pass up the oppertunity to grab their crotch every 10 seconds in public while threatening someone in bad english that attend the University of Miami. Or simply all 18,000 fans of the Hurricannes that show up each week to the Toilet Bowl.

by HiC January 24, 2005

44πŸ‘ 35πŸ‘Ž


Short for Roleplaying Game. Table top or otherwise that allows one or more people to assume a fictious alter-personality, or personalities, and live a story while having the ability to make choices to directly alter the experience and/or the outcome.

Not to be confused with most "Japanese console rpg's" or as the kiddies refer to as "RPG-Lite" games such as Final Fantasy, Wild Arms, Dragon Warrior, Secret of Mana, etc. Such games play on the sensationalizing of the term "RPG" to make a buck in the market and in all actuality offer no authentic "Role Playing" experience.
The most they can be described as is simply "interactive anime" or "pop up books with batles".

Isn't it ironic that 99% of console RPG's don't have any actual Role Playing in them?

by HiC January 12, 2005

99πŸ‘ 96πŸ‘Ž


Or Stealth troll. A type of Internet troll who tries to annoy a message board or chat room as much as possible while staying on the brink of suspension or banning from the site administration. Usual methods include saying, or eluding to, things they know will piss a group of people off but without actually breaking any outright rules rules of the board. A lot of times these people will go out of their way to let it be known.....many, many times, to the people that what they say is "their opinion". Knowing 9 out of 10 ignorant moderators wont moderate any ACTUAL trolls as long as they include the letters "IMO" half a dozen times in their post.

See gamefaqs message boards

by HiC January 24, 2005

14πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž


Someone who limits, or completely turns off, their upstream in internet peer-to-peer file sharing because they have no interest in actually sharing.

Leecher-X says he doesn't upload in Bit Torrent because it makes web browsing impossible, even on broadband. We both know it's really because he is a selfish bastard though.

by HiC May 4, 2005

66πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


an aerodynamic being

as smooth as a riley's leg

by HiC August 3, 2004

885πŸ‘ 626πŸ‘Ž