You would think Karen is shy from the outside, but once you get to know her, you'll find out that she's witty and sarcastic.
She's an amazing artist and can get competitive in video games.
She's a great best friend, but can get awkward at times.
Other than that, she's super creative, imaginative, down to earth and can be gullible at times.
Person: Oh My God! Did you see Karen's drawing?
Person 2: It's gorgeous!
5👍 5👎
Chiara is super smart.
She's a very shy person but after you get to know her, you'll realize she's a funny person with a great personality.
She's not a nerd but she still gets good grades.
She's also super pretty.
Person 1: "Dang, how is she that smart?"
Person 2: "I know right? She doesn't even look like she stayed up all night studying, I wish I was as smart as Chiara..."
31👍 186👎
Aley is a generally great friend to be around.
She's funny, and has a great sense of humor. She's very romantic at times and has a lot of crushes.
She's the type of girl that guys don't know yet, but once they do, they realize what an amazing person she is.
Although, she can get askward at times.
Person : Hey did you talk to aley today?
Person 2: No, she was too busy staring at her crush.
8👍 5👎