The Star Wars Expanded Universe is defined as the mass amounts of literature, games, comics and other paraphernalia released as a simple tie-in for children primarily in the period up until April 2014. It was then since branded as "Legends" with a newer, better and less bloated canon and new Expanded Universe springing itself from it.
It is generally advised to immerse in the new Expanded Universe over the old one as the newer one will always remain relevant and will cause less fans to go bananas and spoil important movies.
Star Wars fan 1: "Which of the Star Wars Expanded Universe do you like?"
Star Wars fan 2: "The new one of course!"
Star Wars fan 1: "Good answer. The grass is truly not greener on the other side. I heard liking the old Expanded Universe makes anyone be a dick and spoil movies for people."
Star Wars fan 2: "Ah ok, thanks for the heads up."
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