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Uno reverse card

The best comeback to figuratively and metaphoricaly any argument even if you are already winning. Its impact and feeling contributed in the argument can be summed up in many ways. It is The equivalent to no u, the literal godsend to a victorious argument, the diamond glaz main on plane, the awp in mid, the child predator to church, the yin to the fucking yang, the water bucket to a 50+ block drop, the gaming chair to youtube rewind, the 360 mlg no-scope to any call of duty, the ammo crate to an assault player, the woohoo to a slease sim, the opium to before now china, the smell of napalm in the morning, the thicc belt to your ass, the literal equivalent to fucking god

Your best friends mom

(Ps - if i spelled anything wrong, if i did not use enough parallel structure, or if im just redarted, then its because im a highschooler with 5 children)

Guy 1) *pulls out uno reverse card"

Guy 2 *in universe -10 - 1*) *commits suicide*

Guy 2 *in universe 2-419*) *until dehydration comes full swing*

Guy 2 *in universe 420-1738*) *literally implodes and causes a supernova, the likes of which have never been seen, witnessed, or viewed, ever before*

Guy 3) *Yells "sick burn" until collapse of lungs to the point in which a fucking blackhole is created*

Teacher) *gets sued for doing jack shit* (as usual)

Dad 1 *father of guy 1*) *is getting head from your mom*

Dad 2 *also father of guy 1*) *is gay*

by HighSchoolerJuuler December 2, 2019

5👍 2👎