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People for the Ethnical Treatment of Animals.

Yes, some PETA members have the right idea about animal rights, but besides that, they really take things too far.

They've killed many healthy animals, complaining of not being able to find a home. Please explain why other animal shelters are capable of finding more homes for animals than PETA probably ever has. Infact, after you call PETA to have an animal taken away (for whatever the reason), chances are that the animal will be killed in their PETA van as soon as close your front door.

Many PETA members are hypocrites, even if they may or may not realize it.

Though not everything they say is a lie, they still tend to feed bullshit to the public and use scare tactics on children.

I am vegan, but PETA really gets on my nerves. They give a bad name for vegetarians and vegans.

NEDM would make PETA cool.

by Highly Evolved June 20, 2006

98πŸ‘ 228πŸ‘Ž


An expensive, overpriced, small mp3 playing device that can store a large capacity of mp3s. I'd find them useless, seeing as I can't even think of 1/10 the amount of songs you're able to put into it.

Some Guy: Yeah, I just got another new ipod.
Me: Yeah, good luck with that...

by Highly Evolved May 25, 2005

208πŸ‘ 136πŸ‘Ž


1. For the win/for teh win.
2. Fuck the world.
3. Fuck the what?

1. Hell yeah, Asian food FTW!

2a. Dom: Have you heard that song FTW?
Jake: By who? The Vines? Turbonegro? Tupac? Someone else?

2b. Man, this world is full of shit. FTW.

3. Dude, you hear that? My mom's having sex with the pizza delivery guy!
Marko: FTW???

by Highly Evolved June 25, 2006

177πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž

Washington State

Where I live. It's not that bad and the weather can be really sucky and rainy, or really hot and dry. There's a bunch of drugheads in my area, I don't mind. Some times it can be really boring, but that's just cause my town is so small and I sit around doing nothing all day.

Washington is, um yeah, it's alright...

by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005

96πŸ‘ 193πŸ‘Ž


A store I don't really care for, but whenever I do go in, I'm always questioned if I want a damn Target card. We are becoming the target of annoyence.

Target Staff Member #1: Hey, want a chance for a target card?
Me: No, thanks.
Target Staff Member #2: Would you like to sign up for a target card?
Me: No...
Target Staff Member #3: Would you like to apply for a targe...

by Highly Evolved March 29, 2005

89πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž


A virus is the human race. The human race is cutting down forests, melting polar ice caps, and destroying the world.

And that's why the hippies and tree huggers basically died out in the 70's because, once again, the human race is a virus and is destroying everything in it's path.

by Highly Evolved March 24, 2005

28πŸ‘ 38πŸ‘Ž


Widely known as "Straight Edge".

However, it CAN be used as "sexy", or can be a misspelling of "sex".

Internet Convo
Guy: Carmen...Yeah, she's fuckin' sxe.
Other Guy: Yeah I know, she turns down drugs/beer/casual sex when offered. I know...'cause I already asked.
Guy: Dumbass, I'm meant sexy.
Other Guy: Oh, my bad, thought you were talking about straight edge (FTW).
Guy: Fuck the what? Nobody cares about that trend.
Other Guy: No, I meant the lifetime commitment, non-fad kind.
Guy: Oh, that's fuckin' alright, then.

by Highly Evolved June 25, 2006

32πŸ‘ 81πŸ‘Ž