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Shortened form of nee-gar, white folk slang, primarily used by rednecks.

I smell a gar.
A cee-gar?
No, a nee-gar!

by Homey Claws October 14, 2003

98👍 431👎


Whiskey usually of the homemade variety.

Yo, lemme have a jigga o' dat shine.
Jigga is equal to 1.5 oz of booze.

by Homey Claws October 14, 2003

15👍 14👎


Ebonic contraction for "I am going to".

Ahmo kick yo' be hine and den whoop you upside yo' hay-ud.
English: I am going to kick your posterior and then strike you on the cranium.

by Homey Claws October 14, 2003

22👍 9👎