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It is an imitation dim sum dish native to the Phillipines. This dish allegedly dates back to the early 80's in a small town known as Becu, but no one can confirm whether or not such a dish exists. According to a native who allegedly has enjoyed this delicacy, it is made up of a pot of steamed rice with a choice of pork, goat, or fowl on top. Then a large bowl of sauce is poured on top and then the ingredients are churned with a wooden ladel approximately 12 inches in diameter. The mixture is let to sit for at least 10 minutes to let all the flavors interact before it is eaten. No other accounts of such a sighting has been recorded. Like big foot, no one knows whether this dish is due to creative imagination.

Patron: Can I have a sumptuous ding-qua-qua?

Chinese cart pusher: Ding-qua-qua?? Ding lei see fut pok guy!

by Hong Hei August 14, 2006

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