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A building that resembles hell full of fake hoes that try to test us. The place where teachers think all is well when really EVERYTHING IS A BIG FAT FUCKING OOF. You go class to class for 7 hours w/ teachers boring you out of our MINDS shoving worksheets up our ass and to top it all off we go home with 2 HoUrS oF hOmEwOrK. School makes me want to jump off a god damn cliff and choke someone lmao. Not to mention the lunch food taste like shit and probably still has living cells in it. Over my years I've found bones in mashed potatoes, wet chicken patty's, wood in my pasta and much more. Oh and you can't POSSIBLY forget- {the mitochondria is the powerhouse of the cell}

If school hasn't made you consider being a stripper once or twice your lying

by Hooahyesyesyes December 5, 2018