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Dude what are you doing?

A Philism most often used in blatantly obvious situations.

Phil: Dude what are you doing? (Said to man sitting on toilet conducting the butt orchestra)
Mistral: WTF I’m giving birth to a brown baby boy what’s it sound like?

by Hooter Hunter August 25, 2004

19👍 9👎


A euphemism used to describe the obligatory Fat Ugly Friend.

Phil said he would take point with the FUF so you can score the honey!

by Hooter Hunter August 25, 2004

16👍 22👎

Dude don't lie

A Philism used to fill a lull in conversation or as a pathetic comeback to a derogatory quip. Most often used excessively in conjunction with “what are you doing?”

Phil: Mike what are you doing?

Mike: Checking out Craig’s list

Phil: Dude don’t lie

Dan: Phil was so drunk he took point with the FUF again.

Phil: Dude don’t lie she had a good personality.

by Hooter Hunter August 25, 2004

6👍 6👎