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Dear James

… joyride…

Sincerely, THAT BITCH

Dear James listen to joyride. From

Da bitch

by Hormonalfreighttrain September 26, 2024


Boink. ..in your head. As if BOINK! Right across your inflated ever loving head! Deflate..deflate… not at all what you must think. (*eyeroll*) Call it narcissistic, call it as you wish. But know it’s not whatsoever trying to “fight” to make you “pick me! Pick me! “ kinda like OMG totes def…yeah hell no. Off rip, BOINK! Told a MF what I was about..throughout did what a MF asked of me..again throughout..tried what a MF wanted when I didn’t. Brace yourself… BOINK! What in the actual fuck? So forgive me for having had put forth the one sided efforts of your OG requests. Forgive me for never wanting any this THIS shit for THIS reason..ruined friendship. Forgive me for being too honest and too reserved when I shouldn’t. Forgive me for not having told you shit out of love rather than only to hurt..but tell me again what it is you’ve brought to the table when in fact you withheld..well, everything. So forgive me for being crazy. Crazy. Forgive me for trying to piece together what it was that i so wrongly did..because if all it’s going to be is BOINK..bi$@h… well …not going to finish such BS. .forgive me for not a damn thing other than sticks and stones. You call me crazy all you want, I have yet to meet a bitch that isn’t. Not knowing where or what I did wrong..that’s what drives me crazy-er. Mainly bc it’s more than likely an excuse prob bc you were “scared.” Eyeroll

Boink! You are a WastedManSpecialist.

Have you seen the entitled WMS?
Fuck no. I don’t go to church.

by Hormonalfreighttrain September 24, 2024