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To do something extremely savage, often to further one's own personal vanity and glory. Saying "I AM BEOWULF!" also makes you epic, and is an official replacement for "THIS IS SPARTA!"

The words "gnar", "Leonidas", "Sparta" and "sav" or "savage" are synonyms for Beowulf/

Guy 1: Dude, I just Beowulf'd that guy's arm!
Guy 2: What did you do again?
Guy 1: I fucking broke it off numbnut!

Guy 1: I had such a Beowulf day today.
Guy 2: What did you do?
Guy 1: Well, I beat up five burly men at the same time, placed first in a 100k marathon, and then beguiled eight gorgeous bitches into my bed. I AM BEOWULF!
Guy 2: Umm... Okay dude. That's great.

by Hrothgar, King of Danes November 18, 2007

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