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Tijuanan Taco

This is where people celebrate Mexican culture with their amigos in a very intimate way. This is for the hombres only as it requires male genitals and at least one set of foreskin.

Imagine the scene. It's the day of the dead and two tattooed up cartel members are feeling festive but also hungry. They strip each other down exposing more macho skin artwork and scars from their illegal goings on. They are dead set on each other's cocks. They decide then it is the perfect evening for a Tijuanan Taco! They quickly grab some guacamole and sour cream and squirt it inside each other's foreskins, then carefully insert the meat, the meat being their phallic pulsating gland onto each other's foreskins. A notion commonly referred to as docking or frotting. Some sour cream and guacamole will spill but not to worry they proceed to master bate each other until they climax inside each other's penile hoods. Then it's drop to each other's knees or a good old fashioned 69 to gobble up the nutrition provided by the freshly made Tijuanan Taco!

Jose and Gomez did a very dirty tijuanan taco last night! Their penis smelt of guacamole for a good week afterwards providing a lasting memory and a moment for pause and tranquility in their otherwise violent gang lifestyle.

by Huffdaddie January 23, 2025

Chilean Curry Cascade

A Chilean Curry Cascade is a relatively new maneuver. It's closely related to the Tijuanan Taco. It is usually complimentary and good manners in South America to recieve a Chilean Curry Cascade if you have just had a Tijuanan Taco and fail to eat the contents before your partner.

The slow slurper must then lay down on their back whilst the rest of the men present prolapse their collective anal sphincters. They then squirt hot salsa sauce into their internal anal cavities and squat over their slow masticating amigo, proceeding to splatter and lather him in hot fecal sauce for being such a slow sucker. Usually the hot sauce triggers more meatier dollops to hurry down their intestinal tracts making for a rather Smelly and messy evening. Throw away towels definitely a must.

Can you believe I lost at Tijuanan Tacos last night? I thought I had all the sour cream and cum sucked out of Pedros foreskin but his skin was so saggy my tongue couldn't get to all of it.

The Chilean Curry Cascade was pretty brutal, I am no novice but Gomez had Worms and I don't know what Heriques ate but it was so lumpy it gave me a black eye. I still stink of shit now and it's been a month. Anyway Tijuanan Tacos tonight?

by Huffdaddie January 23, 2025

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