Source Code

drama rocket

A term that refers to an individual or group of individuals that become dramatic easily, typically for the sake of getting attention. Seen mostly in high school students, college couples, and Protestants.

Davo: Whaaa! Everyone keeps coming into my room, my Mexican roommate masturbates hourly, everyone thinks I'm a flagpole sitter, Postal 2 is ripping my soul apart, I spilled my pooding, Pumster keeps leaving dirty messages on my Post-It Notes, I need me some peach ring action, some Catholic keeps giving me the finger in crapel, my girlfriend won't stop pinching me, I have too much school work, summer vacation is too far away, and I'm, pardon me, effin tired! Whaaa!!
Luis: Whoa, don't launch a drama rocket, holmes!

by HugeBreasticle April 1, 2005

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season 2 angle

A phrase that refers to an old joke. The "Season" depends on the year of high school or college. For example, "Season 1" refers to one's Freshmen year while "Season 2" represents the Sophomore year. The term "angle," mostly used in a media-based context, refers to the direction a particular joke utilizes.

Davo: Hey, I'm out of ideas; can't we just make fun of Dan the Man's buggil dash?
Pumster: Nah, that's more of a Season 2 angle.

by HugeBreasticle May 14, 2005

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mack daddy'n

When a man attempts to gain the attention of women by dressing well and smelling good.

Did you see Pumster today? He was mack daddy'n.

by HugeBreasticle September 11, 2005

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Sexy Losers

The greatest webcomic ever created. The author, known only as Hard, creates characters with abnormal mental or physical issues, such as necrophilism, the inability to get a date with a porn star, or being unable to suppress auto-erotic urges.

Luis: Ha-ha! I love Sexy Losers!
Davo: Yeah, Hard is the best! Ha-ha!

by HugeBreasticle March 17, 2005

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An unidentifiable glob that is brown or green and, therefore, resembles poopie. The actual identity of the glob may, in fact, be fecal matter or simply an imitation.

Enjoy that pooding, Davo, you dirty bastard!

by HugeBreasticle March 15, 2005

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buggil dash

When Daniel Buggilstein, a prominent New England programmer, runs. Known as "the black bug" among his peers, Buggilstein is known for always sprinting, even when walking would be more appropriate. The term "buggil dash" refers to the GaymeCube game, Mario Kart: Double Dash.

Luis: ‘Mierda! ‘es el insecto negro!
Bugg: Eeee, you're gonna die, snatcher! Super Mario style!

by HugeBreasticle April 6, 2005

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A better way to say "chapel."

Davo: It's time for chapel! Yay!
Luis: Chapel? More like crapel.
Bobby Evans: Burn Almighty!

by HugeBreasticle April 1, 2005

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