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ipod spamming

Uploading fake, corrupt, or blank audio files to file-sharing networks in an attempt to discourage unauthorized downloads.

"I downloaded 14 Eminem tunes and they're all screeches or blanks!"

"Sony must be iPod spamming again."

by Hugh Johnson July 28, 2005

605๐Ÿ‘ 99๐Ÿ‘Ž


Short for shit factory, a worthless, good-for-nothing person just taking up valuable space on the planet.

"That worthless scum is just a factory, using resources without contributing anything of value."

by Hugh Johnson August 4, 2005

159๐Ÿ‘ 42๐Ÿ‘Ž


A politically progressive California city of 110,000 across the Bay from San Francisco.

Home of the Free Speech Movement, Creedence Clearwater Revival, Green Day, Counting Crows, and the University of California (Go Bears!) a.k.a. "Cal".

The elements Berkelium (Bk), Californium (Cf), and Americium (Am), among others, were discovered at U.C. Berkeley.

The cradle of the anti-Vietnam war movement (which led to Goveror Ronald Regan tear-gassing his own citizens). Early opponents to the "Patriot Act" and the Iraq war.

First city to:
-- divest (remove investments) from South Africa, accelerating the end of Apartheid.
-- covert its entire diesel fleet to biodiesel fuel.
-- enact a comprehensive smoking ban.
-- voluntarily implement city-wide school busing.
-- implement curb-side recycling.
-- install curb cuts in sidewalks for wheelchairs and bicycles.
-- prohibit the sale of ozone-destroying styrofoan fast-food cups and clam-shell containers.

Barbara Lee, the only U.S. Congressman to vote against giving Pretzeldent Bush the authority to attach Afghanistan and Iraq, represents Berkeley.

Home to the "How Berkeley Can You Be" parade each September.

"When something happens in Berkeley, it spreads."

-- Tom Bates

by Hugh Johnson September 20, 2005

1158๐Ÿ‘ 367๐Ÿ‘Ž

sloppy joe

A sandwich made with hamburger meat and tomato sauce, eaten on a burger bun, you bunch of sickos.

by Hugh Johnson March 31, 2003

1191๐Ÿ‘ 349๐Ÿ‘Ž

shit factory

A worthless, good-for-nothing person just taking up valuable space on the planet.

"Why do you hang around with that crackhead? He's just a shit factory"

by Hugh Johnson August 4, 2005

393๐Ÿ‘ 62๐Ÿ‘Ž