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Women who become rich and famous by having 8 or more babies at one time, regardless of ability to pay for their upbringing.

"Wow, I can't believe that woman. She lives with her mother, doesn't have a job, and yet she just gave birth to octuplets."

"Yeah. man. These wannabe Sulebrities are really getting on my nerves."

by Humor Smith February 23, 2009

14👍 5👎


A wasted Cinderella; a prima donna with no discernible value, who is rich for no discernible reason

"My boss is the biggest wasterella I have ever seen."

"She's got a huge ass too."

by Humor Smith February 20, 2009

Final Exit TV Network

A TV Network where series that have "jumped the shark" go to die. The network offers assisted cancellation to help a show through its final episodes, then when all agree the time is right, a plastic bag is placed over the show's head, and helium tanks are turned on.

"Man, I can't believe Firefly got sent to Final Exit TV Network."

"Hey, dude, it was better that way. No suffering. Now when they gonna do ER?"

by Humor Smith February 27, 2009


A hideous haircut. A really bad style; ugly beyond any hope of redemption, like a mullet.

Yvonne:"Yo, did you see that hairstrosity on Falala's head?"

Mertle:"Oh yuh, I can't believe she paid to have that done."

by Humor Smith February 24, 2009


The disturbing sorta fake eerily realistic "people" in the Charles Schwab commercials.
These demons from the deep recesses of some twisted ad freak espouse the virtues of Schwab while sharing with the audience their experiences in the world of investing.

Leon:"Did you see that ad with those peopletoons?"

Virgil: "Yeah, man. Those freakin' things give me the serious heebie willies. I mean, come on: not people, not toons. What the hell are they?"

by Humor Smith March 11, 2009

14👍 1👎


An unrealistic mindset that leads a person to believe she can make money simply by giving birth.

An attitude not grounded in reality.

Jake: "I just don't believe that bitch thinks she's gonna get millions just because she can have multiple kids."

Joan:"Yeah. That's what I call a real defetus attitude."

by Humor Smith February 23, 2009

7👍 6👎


Fired, asked to leave, laid off, let go, terminated.

Marv: "Hey Tommy. I can't believe you just got disjobbed."

Tommy: "Yeah, me neither. I guess just firing me wasn't good enough. They had to disjob me with no severance pay."

by Humor Smith March 16, 2009