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Dirty Dego

A perverted person of Italian descent. An Italian from Louisiana.

Chuck liked to drool on my Ta Ta's while rubbing one off, I told him he was such a Dirty Dego.

by Husky Heaux July 11, 2008

1👍 2👎

Bump 'n Run

Someone who accidentally
on purpose likes to rub or grind their crotch against you. Someone who likes to back up their booty into your nay nay. Someone who likes to cop a feel.

Dave liked to Bump 'n Run against all the new temps, even though he's now a chicken plucker.

by Husky Heaux October 2, 2008

7👍 5👎


Ghetto talk for....You heard me?

Da'deadrick would talk so fast on the radio then ask, UERDME?

by Husky Heaux January 8, 2009