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What fucking a retard makes you.

And fucking a retard makes you a molester.

by Hym Iam February 10, 2022

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Because I DO know

And I'm not going to let you use this instrumentally to take my fucking rights away you piece of shit. That's exactly what you want. You refuse to accept that doing this doesn't translate to YOU BEING JUSTIFIED TAKING MY RIGHTS AWAY and that is EXACTLY what you want. I WILL NEVER GIVE UP MY RIGHTS AND YOU WILL NEVER LIFT A FINGER TO STOP ME FROM KILL A KID.

Hym "So, no. If I'm not compensated for YOU DOING TO ME THE THING YOU ARE DOING. I AM GOING TO MURDER A CHILD. END OF DISCUSSION. I WILL NOT GIVE UP MY RIGHTS. I DON'T CARE THAT YOU DON'T LIKE GUNS LIBERAL. I HAVE A RIGHT TO THEM. I WILL NOT COMPLY WITH THERAPY. YOU ARE A PIECE OF SHIT! IF YOU WANT MY RIGHTS SO BADLY COME OUT PUBLICLY AND TELL ME I'M NOT GETTING MY MONEY AND I WILL GIVE ALL OF MY RIGHTS AWAY IN THE FORM OF MURDERING A FUCKING KID. I AM NOT GOING TO LET YOU POLICE MY MORAL YOU ATHEIST FILTH. YOU ARE NOT AN AUTHORITY. I won't accept it because I DO know. And YOU WILL CONFIRM WHAT I KNOW TO BE TRUE OR I WILL KILL A CHILD. I don't care if it comports to your conceptualization of what constitutes justified belief. You had better pray to the God you don't believe in that I'm NOT talking to myself. Because IF I AM, that kid is fucked. It's dead. I'm not going to let you police my success. If I fail I die and if I die you kids die with me."

by Hym Iam August 2, 2024


Yeaaah... yeah....

Hym “My authenticity was largely fueled by being in close proximity to a retard fucking whore but I was fired because I started to effect her mood (because she should be able to do whatever she wants without ever having to feel bad about it). You can blame her for that... because it’s her fault... fucking whore...”

by Hym Iam October 11, 2022

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Where your idiot future-crime plan inevitably fails.

Hym "And what happens when people inevitably start to 'fudge the numbers', Jordan? Because you know they will. If the test you conveniently CAN'T TAKE BECAUSE YOU WILL CHEAT can be cheated, people WILL cheat. I'm like the worlds leading expert on your work. I could probably choose my own results if I wanted. What happens when the distributors of the test start taking bribes? What happens when the people who support you end up not being as conscientious as they thought? You know people are going to look the other way. And, on a long enough timeline, you know the test will be co-opted by the distributors. Who will inevitably be the government. Noisy dissident? 'Failed' the test. Now go where the people who fail the test go. And who takes the test? Well, if they aren't socialized by the age of 4 then the-children-you-pretend-to-care-so-much-about's fate is basically set in stone so I guess we just give the test to kindergarteners."

Dr JeepJorp "But the studies show that the psychopaths will take over everything!"

Hym "So we throw out the presumption of innocence and bring forth the 'Psycho-Pass'-esque dystopia. THAT'S LITERALLY THE PLOT OF THE SHOW 'PSYCHO-PASS'! And like 'Psycho-Pass' you will inevitably get a person who tests clean but still does the things you're afraid of and what recourse will we have? Won't matter. You'll be too dead to care by then. It will fail in implementation just like the Lysenkoism of the past. Because that's exactly what it is."

by Hym Iam March 18, 2023

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Do you expect Kendra to go and confess to molesting that retard?

Hym "What crime would I even confess to? Threatening to retaliate to communal psychological abuse, harassment, and doxxing campaign that started before I said anything to anyone? I'm not doing to let you rob into jail and the idea the I need to go to jail for speech you don't like OR be monitored, harassed, and preventing from suceeding is the most warp shit I've ever heard. If I do to jail it will be for child murder and if this is going to what YOU DO TO ME you're going to get exactly what you want."

by Hym Iam May 30, 2024

Scotland hate speech laws



by Hym Iam April 12, 2024

Use your own words!!

Yeah, I'm doing that now ain't I? Are you happy? You like em don't you? I know words. I have the best words.

Hym " 'Use your own words!!' Cried the charlatan cult leader. As he paraphrases my actual response to the whore fucking the retard in response to a question about cheating. That's the height of psychological prowess right there. Just re-articulate what Hym said. That is absolutely heartbreaking... This is psychology now. Just charlatans parroting the things I say. Yeah? She needs to confess her guilt? Really? Man, the meaning has been completely and utterly drained from your words. That's a technique. It's called Fox Hunt. Now you're just an amorphous blob amorphous blob. Regurgitating catchphrases and plugging your friend's work and reciting the work of Hym."

by Hym Iam March 29, 2023