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I wasn't trying to...

That is exactly what you were trying to do you fucking cripple. You're too used to everyone pitying your gaping retarded butthole. You weren't just anything. There's nothing 'natural' about predatory women molesting a retard.

Crippy-Crappable "I wasn't trying to..."

Hym "No you were and you failed. The only thing you've succeeded in doing is drain away whatever sympathy I had for retards. Amd that isn't even YOUR doing. It's the fucking people around me defending it that did it. So, no. I don't care what happens to retards now. At all. This is why eugenics is an idea someone had at some point in history. When you think back and ask yourself 'How could someone seriously suggests eugenics?' I want you to get you fat ass up off the couch. Walk to you bathroom. Look and the mirror. And tell yourself 'Oh! Right... Me. I'm the cause of that. My defunct mind is the reason retards belong in a ditch.' And then I want you to find a way for you to drain some of that shit... Out of your skull. I don't know if you want to use a drill or a bullet or WHATEVER. Get that shit out of your head. At all costs. Don't breed. If you HAVE bred... Get rid of them. It's not ok."

by Hym Iam October 18, 2023

The Tristan Song

Ahahahahahahahahahahaha oh! You stupid bitch that hilarious!

Hym "Ahahahahahaha! You beautiful bastard! Ouch my side actually hurts from laughing so hard! I just saw the Tristan song and I would give you a full pardon for that shit! Ha!"

by Hym Iam August 19, 2023


See!? It was the name thing!

Hym “See!? You’re like my herald! You’re like the Silver Surfer or something! And like the Silver Surfer, I’ve imbued you with the power cosmic and instead of preparing the world for its consumption (by me) you’re... you’re hanging out with the fantastic 4! Flirting with Jessica Alba because she reminds you of your dead wife! Unbelievable!”

Iam “And that reminds me, I get the reference. Like... I know where the university is. Why is the guy who is not being referenced explaining the reference to the guy who is being referenced.”

Hym “That’s a good point! You’re not the Homelander here, my guy. Everyone can see it but you. You’re not the guy. You’re like The Deep. So, keep fucking your squids and your dolphins or whatever it is that you do but that will never make you the guy.”

by Hym Iam September 21, 2022

Hostage situation

You see how they're holding the contents of my mind hostage in exchange for good behavior? See it?

Hym "Hahaha! Get it? Norville and Gigi? Right? Cus he's a son-husband who loves at home with his mom! Hahahahahahaha! But that has nothing to do with the hostage situation."

by Hym Iam February 22, 2023

Gay Obama

............... First gay president?

Hym "First gay president! Gay Obama! I tried to think of something clever to call him like 'Barack Gaybama' or 'Gayrack Ohomo' or something but I don't think it works... Nah... Whatever. First gay president! WOOOOO!"

by Hym Iam September 8, 2023

1👍 5👎

What I said

I know what I said. Why I said it is more important. I'm never going to feel bad about it because your lives stopped mattering the second she fucked that mongoloid.

Hym "I said what I said. Outside of emergency money you all are a detriment to my existence. Hey, what do you think is the best way to cook brains? Like... Scrabbled eggs? Meat loaf? Probably meat loaf, right?"

by Hym Iam April 3, 2023

A Job

I have 2 jobs both of which are beneath me as I am without a doubt the greatest writer in the history of humanity. I also do s lot of freelance work the I haven't been paid for.

Hym "A job wouldn't alter the fact that I've been doing other people's job FOR THEM for years and am the best job doer of whatever category this thing is in."

by Hym Iam September 29, 2023