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So it IS fat! You're a fat cock! I knew it!

Hym "Ope, yeah, see!? Cheating? Fat cock. There you have it. What did I tell you? Critical fat cock theory. The single most accurate theory of all time."

by Hym Iam October 2, 2023


You forgot fat cocks. Oh, and sorry bout your friend.

Hym "Cheating is women's fault 100% of the time. If the woman cheats it's because she interacted with a fatcock. If the MAN cheats, however, you're dating a fat cock. Why would he settle for you? You're not Salma Hayek OR Christina Ricci so what is the actual point of you? Entirely 100% Women's fault forever."

by Hym Iam August 8, 2023

The one to steal on

The one whose presence is to be met with mockery and derision.

Hym "You've probably never heard the phrase before but that's what it means. I think. That's what lunch box was. The one to steal on. That's what this is. Ya'll are treating me like the one to steal on. It's horse shit. I don't even know HOW to feel bad for you anymore."

by Hym Iam January 9, 2023

Status Quo

Not smarter. Just less honest.

Hym "Well, I guess if the status quo is people like me not getting paid... Then the only way to upend it... Is for me to get paid! And I can't prove I'm better than Thomas Sowell at doing nothing if I... You know... Do more than nothing. That would defeat the entire purpose of this this I'm doing! Which is: proving that I'm better than everyone. Especially Thomas!"

by Hym Iam September 21, 2023


No, your guy friends judge you. They absolutely do. They literally aren't allowed to voice that judgement or you won't be friends with him.

Hym "Well, if they won't judge you I'll do it for them. What's funny is that you give yourself out. 'A woman won't cheat if she's happy in the relationship' 👈 That is now you know what you're going to get. She's going to cheat. She's got a preemptive excuse primed and ready to go. If she's ever not happy in the relationship? She'll cheat. Small dick? Cheat. It just IS what's going happen. Look at the shape of her head! Cube skull. She's got the caveat though. It has nothing to do with insecurity. You tattled on yourself. 'If I (a woman) am not happy in a relationship I (a woman) will cheat'. That's what she just said there. Don't let this bitch use deceptive, banal female rhetoric to try and make it sound like she isn't saying what she is actually trying to say there. And what's going to happen? Used up by fat cocks, her guy friends are going to start getting girlfriends who are not going to what THEM around HER, she's going to hit the wall and the fear of dying alone is going to set in, and then maybe the small dicks aren't so bad maybe someone will love me.... Once I'm all used up the small dicks can have me. NOPE. Too late whore. Your head is a square and if you put 10 years on you it isn't even worth it to commit."

by Hym Iam February 1, 2023


The people who decide who wins and who loses.

Hym "I have never had a problem with meritocratic victory or defeat. My position is actually perfectly analogous to Joe's position on judges. The judges are getting paid to decide to wins and who loses. They are the ones who choose the winner. Joe is not. What justification does Joe have to protest the judges decision? Joe must be full of shit because the people who decide who wins and who loses say that he's wrong. Is he wrong to call for them to be replaced with those who will make a fair judgement?"

by Hym Iam May 31, 2022



Hym "The law is irrelevant until a Judge makes a decision as to whether or not you actually did the thing."

by Hym Iam July 19, 2023