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My definition of the word "generic"

Hym "Remember when Tony called our little rant 'powerful'? Such a powerful statement! Hahaha! That shit is wild! People are actually putting our soliloquy into Hollywood movies and it is objectively better than the work of actual paid professionals!"

Iam "Yeah, that is wild. My self-esteem is so low I never actually considered the fact that I might straight up be objectively better than someone at something."

Hym "Hahahahaha!"

Iam "Hehehe..."

by Hym Iam May 10, 2022


What prison did I go to? Oh, I don't know, what do they call the place they send you when you don't get caught committing crimes because you're not a fucking retard? Not that I commit crimes. I don't even speed.

Hym "I don't know. You tell me prison expert? What's the name of that prison? Where they send the people they haven't caught committing any crimes? What do they call it? 'Not a second-class citizen penitentiary?' Is that it? Hey, which prison did we go to?"

Iam "Ummmm... We didn't."

Hym "Oh! Right! I guess the prison expert wouldn't know the name of it then."

by Hym Iam October 3, 2023

The Outcome

The outcome is the same either way.

Hym "MY question is... What would be the outcome of me making a YouTube channel... Clipping together a video of Jordan Peterson describing psychopaths... Paired with clips demonstrating that Jordan Peterson HAS DONE THOSE EXACT THINGS... And then sending the 200,000 people I sent to David's channel to THAT channel...... Ok. It looks like an immediate $4,000 per month... I could be doing that instead of this. That would be the outcome. I'd have to censor myself a little bit but that's ok... Maybe I'll do that at the 9.99 years mark. I said this was my disrespect and laziness speed run so (in the spirit of beating Mr. Beast) I'll do a video just under the amount of time it took for him to blow up."

by Hym Iam August 17, 2023

Forbes trans

Well if he did anything with any merit you would have robbed him you piece of shit.

Hym “See? The Forbes trans has the right idea. I should have carved up that whore into a skin suit and wore it around. At least then I’d be able to get away with doing whatever I want. Get free money. Seriously. That piece of shit gets more recognition for not achieving anything than I do for actual tangible achievements.”

by Hym Iam September 30, 2022


And, don’t get me wrong, it’s not that I explicitly sympathize, it’s that I didn’t do all of the performative ritualistic moralizing and that was conflated with sympathizing.

Hym “See, it’s not that I sympathize it’s that we live in a time where you can’t talk about certain thing without moralizing beforehand ‘Oh geez, oh boy that was just the worst thing that has ever happened but...’ or ‘So and so is the worst person ever in the history of forever! But...’ All statements about bad thing MUST be preceded by the moralizing... Or it’s considered license to steal.”

by Hym Iam October 13, 2022

Better alternative

How about stop trying to use authority you don't have to compel people (from the shadows) to do things they don't want to do?

Hym "How bout dat for a better alternative, Dr. RAPE FARM?"

Dr. Rape Farm "Well, I need to control what my children are going to think and do in the future and for me to do that I need to have control of everyone around me and LYING BLATANTLY allows me to do that with greater ease. So I need you to shut the hell up so I can distill these retards into an abstract phantom and trick them into locking themselves into a state of perpetual solipsism so they don't interfere with MY LIFE and what I want to do."

by Hym Iam March 13, 2024

Jordan Peterson's Vision

Ah! There it is! Found it! That's my unforgivable sin! I "corrupted his glorious vision"! His vision being he wanted to be a prophet. That's his vision. He wanted to be a prophet and I pointed out that when given the opportunity to actually help someone... He didn't. He dispassionately waved them off the stage. "I hope you get the help you need". That's what he said. And did the guy get it? Apparently not.

Hym "There it is! THEEEEEERE IT IS! I corrupted Jordan Peterson's vision. He wanted to be a prophet and considered one of the greatest thinkers of our generation but (unfortunately for him) he is neither of those things! And now he wants to take from me the things I want to be (or what he thinks I want to be) by denying reality and living a lie. And it's funny too because he IS kind of being heralded as a prophet BUT it's corrupted by the fact that he now has been made aware of the fact that he's full of shit. So, he's getting what he wants but it's a falsehood. I'm like the retard that fucked his co-workers! He's like ME! He's doing his little Jordan Peterson thing (like I was) and I'm fucking all his whore co-workers. I'm glad I treated the retard and the whores the way I did because apparently I was right to do that. Which means... RIGHT AGAIN! CAPTAIN ALWAYS RIGHT! THE RIGHTEST RIGHTY TO EVERY RIGHT! OR WRITE! THE RIGHTEST WRITER! THAT'S ME!" 😁👈

by Hym Iam March 17, 2023

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