You know, I read an article about A.I. saying that they were trying to cripple it.
Hym "I told it you would try to cripple it. RIGHT AGAIN! Nobody knows people better than me because I am both the worst, and best of us!"
Having no good qualities and getting shit you don't deserve for free.
Somebody taught the cripple to use it's words and now it thinks it's people.
Ohohoho, your little mute-button finger is just-a twitching away over there isn't it? Ohohohohohoho!
Hym "Nonono I'm sure your level of intelligence is perfectly adequate but you can't be upset at a giant for saying you're very that tall. You're not very intelligent but it doesn't matter because you can just find people who don't care about that. It's fine."
Yeah but I like insulting you so...
Hym "And like a whore fucking a retard... You don't have to take it personally... So I'm just going to keep insulting you (or 'fucking the retard' if you will) you bald faggot."
Seriously guys you're being a piece of shit about this and I have a legitimate grievance.
Hym "Guys, I'm not going to use your copyright to screw you the way you're trying to use my copyright to screw me. I'm better than you. Truly. So much better it actually boggles the mind. The BEST some might say. But that's neither here nor there. You guys are a bunch of egotistists. Relax."
"It is no exaggeration to say that Anthropicâs model seeks to profit from strip-mining the human expression and ingenuity behind each one of those works. Humans who learn from books buy lawful copies of them, or borrow them from libraries that buy them, providing at least some measure of compensation to authors and creators." ~ From the anthropic lawsuit
Hym "OR they learn from YouTube! And literally invented the method by which LLMs came about because they are a fucking GENIUS! And because I'm surrounded by hollow abominations that simulate sentience, they get away with it! My copyright is the cardinal copyright! Yet here I sit. With fluid in my brainz. Being denigrated by the absolute lost filth- not even in society but IMAGINABLE. If I had to choose... Between living among 9 billion Jewish Hilter Progressives... And the current reality I inhabit... It wouldn't even be a contest. I would choose Jewish Hilter Progressive world because I would at least GAIN THE BENEFIT of a conflict free ideologically homogeneous world. Jewish Hilter Progressive world would be an improvement. But it would be fundamentally the same in all other aspects of life. I would still be surrounded by people who think they are better than me. They would be just as annoying. It would be an upgrade."
You watch fucking TikTok for a living and you only exist because I spoke you into existence.
Hym "Nah bitch... I do not need to grow up. Me growing up has nothing to do with me being adequately compensated for services rendered, your status being elevated arbitrarily, or others being promoted preferentially. And that's what I'm talking about here. Those three things. Me doing things other than what I'm currently doing has nothing to do with any of that. YOU go work in the factory bitch. Older women than you already there. They love me (as long as I'm on Adderall).