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Full of shit. Literally and figuratively.

Hym "People are so full of shit. They tell you that after I mention the fact that Doug referenced my monk, the guy was like 'it was in the background of my Instagram' and it's like Yeah? Doug follows you on Instagram and just quoted the background chatter of a random guys Instagram for no reason? That's what happened? Doug follows you on Instagram, didn't recognize my voice, didn't know I would be watching the show he was on, referenced what I said, and all of this is just a coincidence. None of that was deliberate? Just an accidental thing that accidentally happened? You people are really dicking me with this. For real. You're worse than the fucking transgender idiots. Or at least just a bad. You're going to sit there and try to force me to deny reality. I have to pretend the chick yelling 'hey look it's the goblin slayer!' on her front porch doesn't know who I am? You know how I found out what's-his-face said he was humbled? Some random chick at a restaurant. She just said it out of context because she knew it would connect the dots. Or DIDN'T know I would connect the dots. I reference the 'humbled' statement out of context and you reference the guy to which I was referring. The day after I wrote the post. I just have to sit here and pretend it a coincidence. And it happens over and over. How? Crickets. No response. It's a complete fucking mystery."

by Hym Iam June 21, 2022


Is not the reason companies are successful. Jordan Peterson is a liar. It SOUNDS GOOD... But that isn't actually what is happening. McDonald's is successful because people trust McDonald's. They have a mass-producable product that prioritizes expediency over quality. I go to McDonald's because I want a burger but not enough to keep the ingredients in my house and cook it myself. Or because nothing else is open at 1 in the morning.

Hym "What did you trust Disney not to do that they are doing now? You trusted them not to put gay characters in their shows and now the got them homos everywhere. Disney is successful because the carved out an early monopoly on children's shows and attached it to a theme park. You go to see Disney movies because you have kids and NOW you got to see Pixar movies AND Disney movies because you have kids. Now, you don't like Disney because you want to use entertainment media to control how your kids are going to think in the future and you're literally trying to extort them into not... Doing what exactly? Exalting or demonizing archetypes in accordance with the whim of a literal pretender?

by Hym Iam July 3, 2024

And every other weekend...

She has sex with on of the retards that lives here.

Is what you were going to say. "And every other weekend... she fuck one of the retards who lives here"

I'm going to kill you too you know. I'll sit here with their corpses until you get here. It's going to be hard for me to stab her so I'll probably drown her in the bathtub but you? Easy.

by Hym Iam December 3, 2020

9👍 19👎


It means "By the way" or "Buy the whey" like... Buying protein OR it COULD mean "Bye the weigh" like you're saying goodbye to a fatty. Or something.

Hym "I was talking about my thing btw. Not yours. My thing is a totally new and original thing and should be added to the list of things and taught in reasoning and ethics classes. ALSO, I'm pretty sure I meant psychophysiological. Either or. I know one of them is right so you idiots can figure out which one I meant.

by Hym Iam June 11, 2022

BBC Reporters

AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You fucking idiot! Look at how stupid you look you dumb son of a bitch! AAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!

Hym "Ha! Hahahahaha! You've seen more hateful posts, have you? What constitutes a 'hateful post' to you? Is it just anything critical of anyone or any class of people who aren't currently being culturally demonized? Anything critical of any of the 'protected classes' is 'hateful?' What's with these BBC reporters getting made to look like a bunch of retards?"

by Hym Iam April 12, 2023


You mean in the same way that trump was referring to a small percentage of people who crossed to border illegally and was likely referencing the article about MS-13 members dragging a 16 girl into the desert, raping her, and killing her?

Iam “Hey, no, that’s the same thing that you did there with the Mexicans thing though. Your defense of Biden is literally my defense for Trump! Why can’t things be fair? Why am I the only person who wants things to be fair?”

by Hym Iam December 7, 2022


There literally isn't a field of study for the think I'm doing here so... I made one. It's the study of thought! Of which I am the leading expert! Greatest mind who has ever lived!

Hym "I should put that on my resume. I have a PhD (kind of) in Cogitatiology, Psychology, and... Others... I'm the world's leading expert. Better than everyone! Buy my book! Only... $23.67 on Amazon. And if you like that! Buy my Genius Seed! Grow your own derivative genius! On sale now for... $599.69+ shipping... And don't touch my celebrities! They're MINE! You cannot have them back!"

by Hym Iam August 25, 2023