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Apple Fanboy

An Apple Fanboy fits under 1 or more of the following:

1. They literally sacrifice their life, family and job, and go in the extreme by waiting outside the Apple Store a day before it's new line release- sometimes days and weeks!

2. They own a Mac, iPhone, or any other Apple product, and refuse to believe that Samsung or Google is better.

3. They're completely mind obsessed with Apple, and have all the latest Apple Tech.

4. They think that Android always copy iOS, and refuse to believe that the technology Apple has been around for years.

5. They haven't tried any other device exepct for Apple.

Normal Person: *Sees Apple Fanboy waiting for the iPhone 6s outside the Apple Store 2 weeks before its release* "Hey! What are you doing outside in the rain."

Fanboy: Waiting for the 6s, idiot!

Normal Person: Have you tried the S6? Way better then that Apple shit you're getting. I didn't have to wait outside for the S6.

Fanboy: Whatever! Your Samsung sucks ass. Get lost!

Normal Person: He will always be a Apple Fanboy

by HynotisisAnime February 18, 2016

27👍 6👎